Metrology Playmachines


Testing Centre for automation play machines of FSI "Rostest-Moscow" was created on the basis of order
of General Director no.180 dated 10.09.2002 and accredited by Gosstandart of RF in accordance with
P 50.2.007-2001 "Order of accreditation of testing centres of play machines".

Scope of accreditation:
tests of automation play machines with purpose of pattern approval
primary, periodical, unscheduled check of compliance of automation
  play machines to the approved pattern

Tests and inspection of automation play machines are conducted to check conformity of their technical characteristics to the requirements of normative documents and technical documentation and are applied
to electronic play machines with money winnings used for games of chance in which the process of play
does not depend on skill of players.

The centre is provided with certified testing and check equipment which makes possible to carry out tests
and check of automation play machines in full volume. Automation play machine tests with purpose of
pattern approval and check of conformity of these machines to the approved pattern is mandatory for
play machines of domestic production, imported or which are operated in the territory of Russian Federation.
In” the Regulation about licensing of activity for arrangement and maintenance of totalizers and play houses” approved by the decree of RF Government no. 525 dated July 15th,2002 one of the licensing requirements is availability of the document confirming compliance of automation play machines with money or other
winnings to the approved pattern.

Such documents are certificate of pattern approval of automation play machine with money winnings
and inspection report.