
FSI “Russian Center for tests and certification - Moscow” (Rostest-Moscow) and JSC “The Regional body for certification and tests” (Rostest) started their biography from the Moscow Centre for metrology and standardization (MCMS) which was founded in 1973 as a territorial body of Gosstandart of Russia for Moscow and Moscow region.The responsibility for organization and coordination of work on quality at the enterprises of Moscow and Moscow region were placed on MCMS.

In 1992 the Moscow Centre for metrology and standardization was transformed to Russian Centre for tests and certification (Rostest-Moscow), that reflected the changes occurred in volumes and significance of our activity.

A powerful metrological and testing basis made possible for Rostest-Moscow among the first organizations
to develop works on mandatory certification and to play an important role in raising a barrier in the way of inferior quality and often dangerous products flow coming to Russia.

In 2000 the Moscow scientific and technical public marked 100 years of the First Moscow Bureau of Weights and Trade Measures created by D. I. Mendeleev in accordance with the Program of reconstruction of state service of weights and measures.

Rewarding the role of Rostest-Moscow in formation of Moscow metrological service and safety control and product quality system Mr. Ju. M. Louzhkov, the mayor of Moscow, applied with the following greetings on the occasion of the above jubilee:

“Scientific research and production, construction and trade, medicine and protection of environment… There is no such way of activity where the measurements would not have a decisive meaning! We realize the significance of metrology and the role that Rostest-Moscow plays in assurance of accuracy and uniformity of measurements in the scale of the largest industrial, scientific and trade centre of Russia. The role of Rostest-Moscow in protection of Moscovites from inferior quality and dangerous products deserves special words to be mentioned! Hundreds of people without any suspicion have avoided troubles owing to Your qualification and principals!”

In 2002 as a result of reforming of standardization and shareholding of certification “Regional Body for certification and tests” (JSC “Rostest”) was separated from Rostest-Moscow. But we work to-day in single technological bunch.

We appreciate our common history, common biography. During many years the cooperation at the level of not only departments, but specialists, business and personal contacts help us in our joint activity to achieve most effective results.